Tertullian’s Corner, comes, as its creator Rosa Martha Villarreal says, from the time when liberal, i.e., free thinking, people were persecuted by the Catholic Church. So young men (and women) would gather in some corner of a monastery under the pretense of discussing the Church Father, Tertullian. Thus, the tertulia was born.
Rosa Martha Villarreal, recently retired as an Adjunct Professor at Cosumnes River College in Sacramento, California, is author of several important novels including Doctor Magdalena, The Stillness of Love and Exile, and Chronicles of Air and Dreams.
Chicano Confidential is written under the general rubric of historias verdaderas mentiras auténticas–true stories and authentic lies. Its creator Sonny Boy Arias has found this the most effective manner to convey his stories about Chicano life.
Sonny Boy Arias, who writes science friction to educate, amuse and enrich, is a stone-cold, very self-aware Chicano
Essays and confessions of a native trans-culturalist
Roberto A. DeVillar, a native of San Antonio, Texas, has written and published academically for decades, but only recently began writing memoirs, and so far almost exclusively about his life age 10 to 18 years in Seville, Spain.
Roberto Haro, a longtime activist in education and social concerns affecting Latinidad, is an essayist and author of several novels dealing with war dramas, crime mysteries, historical fiction and romance. He lives and writes in Marin County, a part of the San Francisco Bay Area.
Felipe de Ortego y Gasca wrote many essays and reviews for Somos en escrito over the last decade. He published some of the finest writing on writing. We consider him the godfather of Chicano Literature.
Felipe de Ortego y Gasca (1926-2018) is Scholar in Residence, Western New Mexico University; Professor Emeritus, Texas State University System—Sul Ross. All rights reserved.