Join our Lucha Literaria
by sending us your work!
Welcome! Both the SOMOS EN ESCRITO LITERARY ONLINE MAGAZINE and the SOMOS EN ESCRITO PRESS are dedicated to publishing both emerging and established Raza authors who write in direct response to the historically neglected needs of our communities. Do you write narratives that break oppressive cycles, inspire others to action and spark healing solutions through storytelling? If so, we are eager to read your work! Both our press and magazine are now open for submissions.
Alternatively, if you would like to receive editorial feedback on your work, we'd be happy to give you one for a small donation. All donations are much appreciated as we are an all volunteer-run, privately financed project. (This means we operate as a labor-of-love.) If interested, click below: |
FEATURING YOUR ARTWORK IN OUR MAGAZINE: If you are an artist and would like to pair up with an author to help them illustrate their story, we are interested in hearing from you!
We are also in the process of launching a special section on RAZA ART, curating artworks by a single artist or a group in a virtual galería in which all items will be for sale. If you identify as a RAZA ARTIST and are interested in participating in this virtual Galería de la Raza, please to contact us! We support Raza painters, muralists, sculptors, weavers, ceramists, designers, digital artists, filmmakers, etc. |