The Results are in!First place: "La Elotera" by Enrique Varela
Second place: "Garden People" by Shaiti Castillo Third place: "Major Juan to Earth Control" by Richie Narvaez Honorary Mentions: "May We Be Named" by Angela Acosta & "The Collaborator" by Marco Subias Congratulations to the finalists and thanks to everyone who entered a story, it was tough this year. Thanks to Ernest Hogan for judging. Stay tuned for the publishing of the finalists here in Somos en escrito!
Contest submission is free and is open for any Native or Latina/o/x person from or residing in the USA (of American Indian, Chicano/Mexican American, Puerto Rican, Cuban American, Dominican American, Central American, or South American origin).
Manuscripts must be unpublished, in English, Spanish, or Ingléspañol. Put “2022 Extra-Fiction Contest” in the email subject line. Email Word format (.docx) unpublished submissions with short bio in third person in separate Word attachment and author’s photo (label your name, not author photo) to [email protected]. One submission per author, 6,000 word limit, contact us beforehand if the submission is over 6,000 words. Submission is free. Deadline is October 31, 2022. Speculative-fiction stories published in Somos en escrito during the year are considered for the contest. Judging the finalists is Ernest Hogan, godfather of Chicano Science-Fiction and author of Cortez on Jupiter, High Aztech, and Smoking Mirror Blues. Prizes: 1st place: $100 and a copy of El Porvenir, ¡Ya! Chicano Sci-fi Anthology. 2nd place: Copy of El Porvenir, ¡Ya!. 3rd place: Copy of El Porvenir, ¡Ya!. Two Honorary Mentions. All Finalists will have their stories published online in Somos en escrito Literary Magazine. This year's Extra Fiction contest was very close, we had many great submissions.
The judge Ernest Hogan has chosen the winners from the five finalists: 1st place: "Attack of Las Quetas" by Toni Margarita Plummer 2nd place: "Beast of Cabo Rojo" by Arnaldo Lopez Jr. 3rd place: "Sacred Evolution" by Carmen Baca Honorary Mentions: "la guadaña amorosa" by Samir Sirk Morató "I Migrated to the US to Escape a Demon" by Javier Loustaunau Thanks to everyone who submitted and to those who shared the announcement. The editors and judge loved reading these stories and hope to encourage all to write and submit their stories, extra fiction or otherwise. Stay tuned for the publication of the finalist stories here on Somos en escrito. …and happy Halloween from Somos en escrito. IN THE YEAR OF COVID, ALL IS BEYOND REALITYDeadline: October 17, 2020 At a time when weird, abnormal, spacey, bizarre, creepy become everyday words to describe the world, writers are even more challenged to tell a really far-out story. In this extra bizarro realdom, the Somos en escrito Extra-Fiction Contest challenges all submitters to go the extra step. BEYOND THE USUALAny unpublished fiction that conveys this extra element is eligible. That means any genre, Spec-Lit, Horror, Sci-fi, Experimental, Magic Realism, Fantasy, Abstract, Slipstream, etc. We seek manuscripts from writers of Indigenous, Mexican, Chicano, Puerto Rican, other Caribbean, Central or South American origin born or living in the U.S. Our judge is Ernest Hogan, Father of Chicano Sci-fi and author of Cortez on Jupiter, High Aztech, and Smoking Mirror Blues. PRIZESFirst prize is $100. Second and Third Place and two honorary finalists will earn publication and will receive a book donated to Somos en escrito from noted Latino authors. PREVIOUS WINNERS2019 First Place "El Parbulito" by Gloria Delgado Second Place "A Story of the Fourth Crusade" by Rosa Martha Villarreal Third Place Excerpt from When Corn People Wage War by Tania Romero First Place “Fatherly, dragonly, motherly . . . love, luck and touch” Rudy Ch. García Second Place “The Archivist” Ricardo Tavarez Third Place "Sessions In Augmented Reality" Nicholas Belardes TO SUBMITEmail to [email protected] with “Extra-Fiction 2020” in the Subject Box.
Please format manuscripts in Word format, as .docx or .doc attachments, single-spaced and in 12-point Times New Roman font. Place your name and email address in the upper left hand corner of the first page, and submit a short bio including ethnic background along with an author’s photo in .jpeg format. We look forward to an even more exciting contest than the previous two years. Good luck to all writers. —The Editors of Somos en escrito Magazine Congratulations to Somos en escrito Literary Foundation Press ILBA finalists Armando A. Arias and Ernesto Todd Mireles!Somos en escrito is pleased that the first two books from our press are ILBA finalists! Theorizing César Chávez is a finalist in the category "Victor Villaseñor Latino Focused Nonfiction Book – English" and Insurgent Aztlán is a finalist in the category "Best Political/Current Affairs Book – English." Congratulations to other finalists who have appeared in Somos en escrito, Alvaro Huerta, Eduardo Cabrera, Sergio Troncoso, and Juan Alvarado Valdivia. See more at the International Latino Book Awards site. Click here for the full list of finalists. ![]() Insurgent Aztlán The Liberating Power of Cultural Resistance reconstructs the relationship between social political insurgent theory and Xicano literature, film and myth. Based on decades of organizing experience and scholarly review of the writings of recognized observers and leaders of the process of national liberation movements, author Ernesto Todd Mireles shares a remarkable work of scholarship that incorporates not only the essence of earlier resistance writing, but provides a new paradigm of liberation guidelines for the particular situation of Mexican Americans. Learn more and get a copy here. ![]() Theorizing César Chávez: New Ways of Knowing STEM presents a new paradigm for examining and analyzing science through an understanding of César Chávez’s values and beliefs, theorizing the application of his innovative thinking to STEM, particularly to address its state in U.S. education today. Author Armando A. Arias ("Dr. Sonny Boy") forges connections between the arts, humanities, social and behavioral and hard sciences, using science friction, including his own visionary travails, to create a presence in the absence of César Chávez. Learn more and get a copy here. Congratulations to ILBA finalists who have appeared in Somos en escrito!Best Latino Focused Fiction Book – English or Bilingual Cabañuelas: A novel, Norma Elia Cantú; University of New Mexico Press; Mexico/Xicana; San Antonio, TX Click here to read an excerpt of Cabañuelas. Best Play or Collection of Plays Teatro de inmigrantes en los Estados Unidos, Eduardo Cabrera; Argentina; Chicago Click here to read an excerpt of another book by Eduardo Carbrera. Best Collection of Short Stories – English or Bilingual A Peculiar Kind of Immigrant’s Son, Sergio Troncoso; Cinco Puntos Press; U.S. Mexican American; New York Ballad of a Slopsucker: Stories, Juan Alvarado Valdivia; University of New Mexico Press; Mexico/Peruano; San Francisco Click here to read an excerpt of Ballad of a Slopsucker. Best Political/Current Affairs Book – English Defending Latina/o Immigrant Communities, Alvaro Huerta, Hamilton Books; Lanham Click here to read an excerpt of Defending Latina/o Immigrant Communities. The Results are in!We had many great entries and loved reading and discussing them all. Thanks to the judge, Ernest Hogan, mutante recombo latinoid father of Chicano Sci-fi and author of Smoking Mirror Blues and High Aztech. The winner receives $100 and all finalists receive a signed book by Ernest Hogan. The Writer of Promise receives feedback and mentoring from Rudy Ch. Garcia, winner of the Extra Fiction contest in 2018 and author of The Closet of Discarded Dreams. Stay tuned for the winners' stories on Somos en escrito. First:
"El Parbulito" by Gloria Delgado Second: "A Story of the Fourth Crusade" by Rosa Martha Villarreal Third: Excerpt from When Corn People Wage War by Tania Romero Honorable Mentions: "My Many Faces" by Venetia Sjogren "Nous Somme dans" by David Vela Writer of Promise: "Dear Santa of the South Pole" by Gerard Martinez Somos en escrito Magazine Announces 2nd annual Extra-Fiction Contest
DEADLINEThe deadline for submissions is September 30, 2019. Winners will be announced on October 31st (Halloween). PRIZESFirst Prize is $100 and publication in Somos en escrito Magazine. Second, third, and two honorary mentions will earn publication. All winners will receive a signed book by our judge, Ernest Hogan, the father of Chicano Sci-fi in his second straight assignment as judge. A non-finalist will be selected as a writer of promise to receive feedback and mentoring from last year’s winner, Rudy Ch. Garcia. RULESWritings must be by Americans of indigenous-hispanic background (Native American, Chicanan, Latina/o/x) born in the USA or from Latin America residing in the USA. Excerpts from novels in progress may also be submitted. Manuscripts must be unpublished, in English, Spanish, or Ingléspañol. Put “Extra-Fiction Contest 2019” in the email subject line. One submission per author, 6,000 word limit. Provide author name and contact details in the email, and title of submitted piece; no identification on the manuscript. SUBMISSION IS FREE. Submit to [email protected]. 12 pt Times New Roman, double spaced, indentations at .5 inch. Include bio and photograph (jpg format, min 900 dpi). The Judge
Spread the word with other far-out writers.The Extra-Fiction Contest Winners for 2018! |
February 2024